Leading European games developer Rebellion is delighted to launch the battle phase on its first free-to-play anti-social game, Evil Genius: WMD.
Based on the critically acclaimed and much loved PC title Evil Genius, the game now gives madmen-in-training the chance to battle challengers to their malevolent authority!
Thousands of Facebook users have already created their own evil empires, undertaken dastardly missions and recruited friends into their evil syndicates.
Players can now engage their enemies – or even their friends – in mortal combat using everything from laser sharks to exploding hamsters, from wielding a friendly pirate cutlass to bringing out a deadly death ray!
Jason Kingsley, CEO of Rebellion, said:
“This is the next stage in world domination for any would-be Ernst Blofeld or Dr No – taking on your rivals to become the ultimate Evil Genius! The team has done a great job creating an arena for the thousands who’ve already signed up to Evil Genius: WMD to do battle with increasingly dastardly weapons. We’re looking forward to continuing to expand the game with new features and extra content over the coming months.”
Chris Kingsley, CTO, said:
“If you keep your friends close and your enemies closer, then this new battle game on Evil Genius: WMD is the perfect way to do both. It brings to fruition our fiendish plans to make Evil Genius on Facebook the very first anti-social social network game.”
The update comes just weeks after Rebellion announced it is to create its own division dealing exclusively with games for social media platforms. Evil Genius has been regularly updated and expanded since its beta release last year, with Valentine’s Day-themed content.
The Oxford-based developer is best known for its best-selling title Aliens Vs. Predator – which became Sega’s fastest selling title of 2010 – as well as The Simpsons Game for Electronic Arts and such critical successes as Sniper Elite and Rogue Trooper.